
Full Liner Terms (FLT)


Full Liner Terms (FLT) is a shipping term that signifies that the carrier is fully responsible for the cost of loading and unloading the cargo at both the port of origin and the destination, including all freight charges. This arrangement includes port handling fees, terminal charges, and wharfage fees, making the process more straightforward and convenient for the shipper.

— sennder Team


1. **Simplified shipping process:** The carrier manages all port-related charges and operations. 2. **Predictable costs:** The shipper can easily foresee the overall shipping expenses. 3. **Reduced risk:** The carrier assumes complete responsibility, minimizing risk for the shipper.
**Full Liner Terms** cover both loading and unloading costs. In contrast, **FILO (Free In / Liner Out)** means the shipper pays for loading, and the carrier for unloading. **LILO (Liner In / Free Out)** means the carrier pays for loading, and the shipper for unloading.
While FLT might be more costly due to comprehensive service coverage by the carrier, it offers convenience and reduced risk, often outweighing the higher cost.
Example or usage in road freight logistics

A company from Italy ships a container of wine to Japan under Full Liner Terms. The carrier handles all related costs such as loading, transport, and unloading, simplifying logistics for the exporter and providing a clearer cost structure.

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